No Sellers willing to do COD anymore???

I first got into this hobby about 4 years ago (at least in terms of owning "high end" equipment) of the main ways I was able to do that was by buying almost everything used. My speakers (B&W M802's) I found used at a local audio dealer, & after that, bought most of the rest of my system from private sellers thru Audiogon, always doing COD, which seemed almost SOP at that time.

Now, most sellers INSIST on Cashier's Check upfront, end of discussion. And I admit, when I'm selling items long distance, it would be nice to be able to impose that, but the last time I tried that when listing something FS, no one was willing to do that. Am I missing something? Would anyone ship their expensive audio stuff to someone just relying on their word that they'd then send them the $$$?? It seems too one-sided now......even with all the potential pitfalls of COD; at least it's sort of equal for both parties. Thanks for any input!
I have sold tons of items on audiogon, and I never do COD. There was a real scandal about a year ago here, some guy in California "bought" a ton of gear from audigon members, all expensive stuff and all "COD". He ended up being a crook with a fake address and sent back fake money orders. There were several extremely upset audiogon members here as a result, as you can imagine.

That episode only reinforced the reluctance of sellers to do COD anymore, and that's just the way it is. Review a seller's feedback and make your own decisions about whether you are comfortable with upfront payment or not. If you're not, then pay the higher price to buy from a dealer to support your risk aversion.
In the past month I've sold three items COD. Using UPS, and shipping at an actual UPS counter, it only cost $6 for the service and certified check or money order can be specified. There are drawbacks. My Krell integrated was delivered last Tuesday, and here it is Wednesday and the check has not arrived. The first time, I shpped at a Post Net counter and 8 days after delivery I had a call, the check was mailed to the Post Net. If one is eager to get the check to buy some more gear, it's pretty frustrating when UPS can't get a check back in the same time it took to get the product to the buyer. I could see that the poor check return performance might be the reason some don't use this approach.
I have had only good results with CODs (8). I try to find stuff that is not TOO far away to limit damage risk. Feedback is a great idea but a lot of members dont bother posting even if you ask. One guy said he would and never did even after I had left pos for him. If someone has good feedback I might send a check first, but what about people with little or no feedback? I offer to send a deposit when asking a reluctant seller to cod to cover shipping and then some. Its scary out there and I cant afford to risk a thousand, a hundred wont kill me (still hurts).
As long as sellers can demand cash upfront - and get it from buyers - no seller in his right mind will ask for a COD. It seems to be a sellers market right now.
I have bought and sold many items on this website mostly using Fedex 2 or 3 day c.o.d. I have never had a problem. It is certified funds only for Fedex and the money is overnighted back to the shipper the same day the gear is received. Not like UPS where you can wait a week to get the money back. Besides, UPS couldn't track a package from my house to next door. With Fedex you always know exactly where the item is.