Ambient / New Age Anyone?

I got a lot out of the 'Techno Anyone' thread, so I thought I'd start up one for the ambient/new age stuff. Stuff like Brian Eno (father of ambient), Patrick O'Hearn, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Shulze, Richard Burmer...

I'd like to hear everyone and anyone's thoughts on what they think are the best of the genre.

I particularly like Eno/Budd's The Pearl, Eno's 'Apollo', Richard Burmer's 'Mosaic' and 'Invention', Patrick O'hearn's 'Between Two Worlds' and 'Rivers Gonna Rise', Tangerine Dream's hard to find 'White Eagle' and Klaus Shulze's 'Dune'. I'll chime in with more later.

Any other 'must-haves'??

Robert, yes I have been a longtime TD fan. Love White Eagle, Phaedra, Tangram, etc. Will check out the Threshold. Thanks.

Slipknot1 - Do you know of Reich's 'Counterpoint?' - seems I recall hearing good things about that.

I wonder why none mentioned Hanz Joahim Roedelius?
I bet that any ambient lover would "eat" his albums with huge appetite.
Anyone remember Eno's 'ambient" speaker system instructions on the back cover of On Land? Place a "mini" speaker behind you at the apex of the main speakers and wire the "mini" to the two positive posts of your amp. The out of phase information now "enlarges the room acoustically". Did Eno unknowingly start the Home Theatre craze?
I tried this when I first got that album and I kept it intact for quite a few years. Very impressive room filling qualities, though it was not perfect for all music. Here's a link to the info from that album.
