Linda Ronstadt can't sing anymore.

Do not know if everyone has seen or heard this, but Linda Ronstadt has been diagnosed with Parkinson's and can't sing anymore.

If one can say that a particular artist/group got them into high-end audio, she would be mine.

Definitely in my top 5 of favorite female vocalists.

Very sad indeed...
Oh no. I love Linda. An amazing talent and cute as a button. This is some very sad news.
One of my all-time favorite concerts was going to see Little Feat at the Armadillo World Headquarters in Austin and discovering that Linda Ronstadt was sitting in with the band. She was hanging with Lowell George at the time, I think. LIttle Feat were always great on their own but adding her vocals and stage presence made for an amazing evening.
Sfar, we may have gone to two different shows, but the one I saw had Little Feat opening, followed by Linda Ronstadt singing with Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen (who were still hanging around from their Armadillo gig a few days earlier)...?
She played her own rhythm guitar parts on a Gibson J-200. After each song she'd get with one of the guys in the LPA and discuss what song they might do next. It was really casual and an amazing treat to hear and to see.
Around that same time I saw her open for Neil Young in Houston and of course it was a tighter, better-rehearsed situation. Each show was great in its own right. But that night at the Armadillo was very special for me.
Tostadosunidos - Yes, must have been a different show, the one I saw was all Little Feat and Linda Ronstadt, but I wish I'd seen the one with Commander Cody, too.

It was a pretty tight show, Lowell George was definitely in charge and she seemed reluctant to put herself out front. She just sang, never played guitar. She would slip away backstage, depending on the song, and then reappear at unexpected times.