Jazz In A Woody Allen Movie: "Fading Gigolo"

I watched 'Fading Gigolo' last night. I have a tendency to watch anything involving Woody Allen. The soundtrack featured Gene Ammons music. The intro of 'Canadian Sunset' was smoking. Check it out if you get a minute. It was one of the best jazz soundtracks in recent memory.

Oh, the movie was just so-so...
There's no sense getting into an argument over something that we
will never be able to verify, but I agree with Mitch. The
entire vibe of the film was pure Allen. It's about the feel, the
situations, the irony. I really don't understand how the
Manhattan/Brooklyn issue even comes into it.
I just loved the film, not a classic high art piece, but very well written and acted, with an underlying melancholy to it. All the actors, particularly John Turturro, were very good. I agree it could be a Woody Allen film, but I don't care who made it, I enjoyed it.

Oh yes, the soundtrack was excellent
I think it was John Turturro making a Woody Allen-like movie. I don't think Woody wrote or directed it. The music was great.
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