Atlanta GA


where are the best places around the city to buy new & used CDs ?
Great advice Guys!

where does the Record Show take place- Rwwear?

I look forward to visiting the aforementioned shops around the city, minus, Amazon/eBay...laughing.

Feel free to mention your fave Hi-Fi shops as well.
I have knowledge of Audio Alternative, Sound I mage and The Audio Company- these operations are located in the NW and NE sections od ATL. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
At the Marriott Century Center I-85 and Claremont Rd exit 91. The next show is June 7th. and starts at 10:00 A.M. Admission is $3.00. There is an early admission for more $.
Many Thanks! Rwwear-

I have always heard (no pun) great things about that Atlanta record show. It has been around for quite some time now. I will try attend in June. Will there be many CD vendors? Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
There's usually quite a few CD vendors depending on the time of year and whether there are other shows going on. Also there's vinyl, DVD/Bluray, books and memorabilia.