Soooo many choices.

I think my next upgrade will be to add a DAC. Thinking of somewhere in the 500-1000$ range, used is fine. But, I've been reading lots of you folks' posts and sale ads and test/reviews and ya'll aren't making it easy! lol

We have wireless here in the house and adding streamer capabilities to the system is planned. But getting gear that's better than the mainstream stuff I'm used to, and choosing which will work to make the end result happen wisely, and, picking which we can afford in the correct order is making it real tough to piece it together.
I wouldn't get too wrapped around the axle about DAC choices. Among all the DAC's mentioned here, there are no "bad" DAC's and the resale market is good.
Mrvco, so even the cheapest ones are worlds better than what's in the oppo 981? Or is that as good as it gets(which is highly unlikely)?
Doggitter, Mrvco is correct - any of these dacs will perform.

Which ones suites your ears we just don't know

Better than the oppo? -I would have to hear it, but probably.

I was surprised exactly how good my Pioneer Elite D_45a sounded considering it's not really "hi-fi" - but the Bifrost really is in a different league - and now the dvd sounds as good using the s/pdif output into the DAC.

I also like Jesse Cook, but even better is his band member Nicholas Hernandez - a great guitar player. Sounds great through the Bifrost :-)

What you will get from the dacs mentioned here over the Oppo is the dynamics - but use a really good power cable.

The question here maybe is - will the performance attained be worth the outlay? - only you can answer that one :-)

So, audition a couple - if its difficult to get a home audition take your Oppo to the store and ask them to do an a/b compare to some DACs

At least you'll get some idea of any performance gap.

Go for a higher priced DAC just to gauge how the Oppo's performance compares.

Other than that I'm not sure what else to suggest?