Most Honest Audio Magazine?

I subscribe to Stereophile and I really enjoy reading it but something happened last year that made me raise an eyebrow as to the authenticity of their intentions. Remember the review of the B&W Nautilus 805's? The original reviewer raved about them and rated them "Class A Restricted Low Frequency". Shortly thereafter they demoted the same speaker down to "Class B Restricted Low Frequency". This really hurt the magazine's credibility in my eyes. My first conclusion was that they didn't want to upset the other manufacturers who produced "Class A" products at far higher prices. Shouldn't a trade journal give credit to the truly remarkable products especially when they are produced for relatively decent prices? It's unfortunate that the advertising dollars of the megabuck manufacturers bullied a stellar product into receiving a less than stellar final rating. I'm wondering if this hasn't happened before. I've since heard from some of my audio buddies that corruption does indeed exist in the audio press; everything from reviewers being related to manufacturers to reviewers being offered products for a song (pun intended). Please share your thoughts and experiences when it comes to audio magazines and let me know which ones you'd rate best and worst. Putting together a great system is hard enough without having to sift through the sometimes suspicious advice of those publications who purport to advance the hobby.
audio critic is the best and we should all be supporting it-they tell you the actual value of the components in the component(something ive never seen done before)which tells you whether the product is a good value and can tell you whether the manufacturer is full of it in their claims(one recent review i read).also on my list is hifi choice(uk),what hifi(uk),and hifi world(uk).
The first magazine who would honestly use blind tests to compare products would gain a lot of respect from the audiophile community IMHO. Cyrus
hot-air free net mag, no advert's, tons of info (Italian, but all articles are in English as well)
Mr. Cyrus is quite right. Only problem, his approach would undermine most high-end manufacturers and all of the cable mongers. I have now come to understand (Hallelujah!) that objectivity is only a ham-fisted sort of subjectivity: it is the subjectivity that logical people wish to impose on an illogical pursuit in an illogical world. I was told in this forum that science is a religion, go figure. With that kind of thinking creationism becomes a valid scientific pursuit. Post-modern thinking (or is it the lack of thinking?) seems to hold that science is a bad thing. No, science is a good thing. Only better science can cure the problems of poorer science; magic thinking sure is not going to do it. Relegate the whole field of hi-fi to aesthetics and the problem is solved: so-called writers, in so-called magazines can opine to their hearth's content without anyone being able to prove them wrong. A pure subjective approach enables the high-end market to bear extravagant pricing which even a semi-objective approach in which a very liberal cost/performance analysis would be used would put most of them out of business. Just look at an other thread were a number of participants believe that up to approximately $80,000.00 for a system to reproduce music the law of diminishing returns does not kick in to convince yourself that the manufacturers have managed to push the limits of price acceptability so high, that the death of the more objective press at the hands of the more subjective press (the spectrum being from totally devoid of any scientific approach to those paying lip service to measurements) has only had beneficial results to all financially involved in high-end audio. As another participant said, who wants tests of receivers, run of the mill c.d. players and Bose-like speakers where the conclusion is always that they measure great, sound great and offer great value. Not much of a hobby in that if you ask me. All the best of the season to one and all, whatever your approach and audio beliefs are. And by the way, may I wish everyone the joy of spending more money in the coming year on the music software, rather than the hardware, so that the real source of this hobby be better celebrated.