The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
Gentlemen I had to stop reading since I ran out of bibs... What a group of set ups you have!!!!! My only comment is that BEST is always a moving target so every one of us at the level we are in, we all are in the same quest
Amen to that (my wife's influence). Also, the "best" obviously is a personal matter too, based on what you value the most out of your system, your musical tastes, etc.
Has anyone heard from Carl_eber ??? PLEASE Keep the systems coming, and my sentiments are with yours about the BEST being a matter of taste. That's why I used the words "you've built". Just when you reach that level of musicality something new cross' your path or appears in print and turn out to be real. KEEP 'EM COMING !
Mr. Krell, I feel that because my system isn't as costly as those of many on here, that my credibility will be diminished by revealing everything in my current system, or how few systems I have set up. There are many jerks on here that seek to attack me personally, and I don't feel like laying everything bear anymore. It would mess up your thread to have those jerks gang up on me yet again. Also, I'm not an "audio old timer", and have set up maybe 1/10% as many systems, as someone like Albert Porter. I've only been in the "highend" for 5 years, afterall...This is not to say that I think myself a neophyte, far from it. But as far as setting up dozens of high rez systems, I have not done it. If this makes any of you think lesser of me, so be it. I'm secure in this "hobby" anyway, most assuredly so.
Albert there are some good wires out there for this.A 12/14 awg ofc copper with TFE and shield with an overall shiled is the way to go.Its not easy to find but its well worth it.