Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??
WOW! 200 posts! Who would have thought? Craig,nice idea!
All you audiophiles who are shy, dont be.Tell us who you are.Dont be afraid to make an ass of yourself.I do it all the time and still sleep like a baby.Well,except for last night!Welcome back Dug! CHEERS EVERYONE! THE DRINKS ARE ON DUG!
Ofcourse, Detlof! As a bonus, you get a lake, polished streets, swiss clockwork efficiency -- that makes me feel SO inadequate by comparison, I have to take an aspirin and go to bed!

Also, isn't that where the internet actually started out?

David, have we safely cracked the 200 by now?
Congratulations David. A great thread, and I think my favorite-- hope it keeps going. Is 200 posts a record? Cheers. Craig
Gregm, speaking of Swiss efficiency. During our vacation in Geneva, my wife and I accidentally boarded a commercial ( freight ) elevator in a building.

The USA version of these elevators is usually padded with ugly covers hung from eyelets along the walls. There is graffiti, and one should NEVER look up, as there are nasty things hanging from the ceiling, provided the ceiling is still attached.

The Swiss elevator looked so good, that we thought we were on the passenger version. When it started it's ascent, the door did not close, it was substituted with a safety rail. Our view of the inside of the elevator is what amazed me. The entire internal structure was covered in fine ceramic tiles, and better workmanship than my kitchen. The motors and cables were spotless, and the walls were unmarked.

(Detlof), It is embarrassing for the inside of your elevators to be nicer than the front steps of many of the building in our city. Are you guys all so tidy?
I am an ex Jekke naturalised Swiss, I'm not particularly tidy, don't have that in my genes, but often you tend to think that a certain amount of "compulsion neurosis" is part of the Swiss national characer, if a thing like that exists. And Yes Greg, the internet started de chez nous.