Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...

What is the best sounding speaker cables you have ever used? I won't suggest any to start...because all have left me wanting a do you think?
I have compared several of these cables, and as usual, my vote goes to Purist Audio. The Dominus RLS being first choice. Next would come the standard Dominus (non RLS). Yes, I have heard them. I own them and they are worth what they cost, at least in my system.
Would love to hear the Purist cables. Can one demo these ultra expensive cables without purchasing first.
Snook, Don’t know if you were kidding or not, but The Cable Co has Purist Cables. I have a couple of Digital cables coming my way from them. If you are willing to pay 5% of the retail price (non-refundable, but applicable toward a future purchase) and shipping, then you should be able to audition the cables. In my case I needed two balanced digital cables to go between my dCS gear, so I have three different sets coming. I purposely chose a cable outside my price range for comparison purposes. Cheers, Dan
Thanks Dan I wasn't kidding. Most of the top dogs in the business of reveiwing are using this cable. Would like to see what its all about.
Regarding Fabio's "stuff" the article mentions the pieces, piece by piece. Much to my surprise: much/most, mid fi;not the speakers or cables tho.Till my speakers and amp go beyond 10grand ea,I'll stick with Syn. Reasearch;Res. Ref 2 /with the active sheilding;best I have ever owned (8 grand/their speaker wires inc) Albert: love to hear what you use,even if I can't afford it now.