Duanegoosen: I recently replaced my #14 guage HOME DEPOT solid core plastic insulated 115 AC volt HOUSE WIRE speaker cables with #12(thicker diameter) guage and I noticed a dramatic improvement. I am now using a SINGLE WIRE #14 guage 115 AC Volt HOME DEPOT solid copper house wire to replace all my RCA coaxial signal cables. IT IS ASTOUNDING. These 20 cent/foot (#14) cables will out perform ANY CABLES regardless of price. Howeve,r these heavy solid cooper cables exhibit DIRECTIVITY, that is, you must test each piece or wire (with audio signal) and then reverse the piece, to determine which way the wire sounds better. ALSO, you do not need any end connectors. SIMPLY strip off about 1 1/2 inches from the end and then completely bend back the end of the wire onto itself about 3/4 inch. THEN take a pair pliers and tightly crimp the folded end. This is the center plug. YOU MUST then ground together the preamp and amp and tuner chassis using any kind of wire. There is no need for any shielding. This type of cable is similar in concept to the 47 LABS Stratos silver wire that costs $600.