New Esoteric P02 D02


Seems like there is a new set up separates from Esoteric. The P02 D02. Hven't seen any info out there at all, but it is for sale already at retailers. Not a substitute of the P03 D03 as expected, that are still selling as well, but a new category in between de 01s and 03s. DACs and inputs seem like an upgrade of the K01.

Anyone has any info, or heard of this? You can read about it at Esoteric parent company home page (in Japan but in English).

Price in Europe is 3.000 Euros higher than the 03s per unit (so +6000 EUros higher in total)

Any feedback, info news?

Hi Tom, happy new year to you and all! Sorry for the time out. Have been traveling for work then busy with family and more work... Need to read and do some catch up here. It is on fire all right. Congrats for the baby!

The 9500s I have them now all around the system. Fully powered by them. They are great PC all around. But the single place where the dif is just huge is in digitals. Like if they were designed for this gear. In amps and preamps they are great. But with the 3 digitals the gain is just incredible. I do recommend a listen in this aplication.

Also for those wanting the rgiht cable for the esoterics... Try the new 6300II. I changed my old 6300 from dac to preamp for a 6300II and it is also a great gain. Have not tey it in digital aplication but for sure something I will do.

Will reply to other posts next few days

All the best
Hi Eelii,

Welcome back. What is different in mk2 of 6300 versus the regular 6300 ?
If I am not mistaken the only change is better isolation. In which area or areas is it better ?
Same question goes for 9500 as well versus 9300 (assuming that you have heard it)
Happy New Year.
To Colekat:

I spoke with a friend who auditioned the Vivaldi stack.
He liked a lot more than the older Scarlatti stack and the newer Puccini. He wanted to try just the dac without the clock/transport and upsampler to be used with his Scarlatti transport and computer files. Unfortunately he didint like the dac when used alone outside the Vivaldi stack. He said that the sound stage collapsed and magic of the big stack was gone.

If you consider it as a stack it is more than 100k, and then there are cables (I need more cables than the Esoteric stack). So initially I will try to compare the new updated Soulution 745 and Esoteric p1/d1 when they become available.

Meanwhile p1/d1 could be on CES. The new updated Soulution is at CES for sure.
Hi Pharma, I 'll be honest, I hope you perfer the Esoterics over the DCS stack, and the Solution for that matter. I'm surprised that the Vivaldi is so dependent on DCS component synergy. But then The Esoterics also seem to like being coupled within the brand, though they do perform well with other brands.
Hi Eelii, Glad to hear from you! The baby is doing great, he is a jazz fan! As for the 9500's , thats great news. I am packing up the Synergistic Research Element stuff and sending it back, so the search continues. I'm trying to avoid the obvious, that this gear performs best within it's own family of interconnects and power cords. It makes sense! I'm trying to find great results without paying the premium. The SR stuff sounds good, but is really difficult to work with, plus there is way to much clutter to deal with the cords for the active circuits.
I'm still hung up on the Stage III Concepts PCs, but once again I would like to audition the cords first, and there is no factory program for that.
Anyway, it is good to hear from you again!