Best single-malt Scotch...

I have to give credit to Redwiki for the inspiration to start this thread. Yes, certain malts better compliment certain music or certain moods. Of the fifteen or so different malts in my cabinet right now, my favorites are: Aberlour "Antique", similar to the popular Macallan, but not as syrupy; a bit drier, light hearted and less complicated; great with Mozart and Brubeck. Mortlach "Limited Edition" cask strength. Powerful, smoky, mysterious. Great with Bartok, Berg and late 'Trane. Loch Morar 25 yr old. Incredibly complex and intense, with a hint of honey and flowers. Great with Poulenc, Stravinsky and Bill Evans. Any other single-malt aficionados out there?
Funny, but I can't remember any single malt ever tasting any different after the fourth or fifth one anyhow. I submit that the scientific proof shows there is absolutely no difference between various scotches.....they are all just alcohol after we are pickled enough. If you can taste or feel the difference, you just ain't had enough yet.
I like it straight out of the radiator, although in a pinch, canned heat gets the job done.
Hello, fellow single malt lovers! If you are interested in enjoying some of the greatest single malt Scotch whisky, available only in limited quantities, you must join the Scotch Malt Whisky Society. The Society's main offices are in Florida, but it has chapters in a number of states. One of the annual events, held in a number of cities around the US, is an evening of single-malt tasting (just like a wine tasting). The Society also has its own club in Edinburgh, Scotland, where one can stay and sample the many private bottlings. For more info, go to the Society's Web site: