Is bass-expander really good for stereo system?

Hi,I have been looking for some tweak other than spkr placement,see if somehow the bass reproduction of my system can be "heavier" or extended a bid without sacrifizing other aspects of sonic reproduction. My system consited of (1)AhTjoeb 4000 CDP (2)NADC370 integrated amp(120Wx2) (3)
Analysis plus Oval 9 spkr cable(4)Quadral Ascent850 spkr(3-way, bass reflex,floor standing,28-24000Hz freq. resp.,4-8Ohm,89dB sensitivity)5)TruthLink IC-harmonic-tech).Lately, I browse on web-site and looking into the unit called Ultrabass EX PRO-1200 (ITS NOT AN EQUILIZER OR ORDINARY "BASS BOOSTER"). I have been wondering has anybody have experiences in using such unit(or similair unit)? and how does it sound-in matching with the 2 channel stereo system? does it sacrifizing other sonic aspects although getting more extended bass??
Your opinion and suggestion is highly appreciated and thanks a lot
Wow. I just can't believe you are not getting deep bass with the equipment listed above. A tube player, NAD is if anything a bit TOO heavy in the bass, high end cables and a three way speaker? Maybe Bob's got a good idea with the power issue.

Only other main thing I can think of is component isolation, if you haven't done so already. I find the most solid and extedned bass comes from rigid, spiked islolation platforms. Put each on its own platform if you can. I think Needle Doctor has an Apollo brand wall shelf for turntables, but it may work just fine for cds and amps too.
For speakers obviously Target stands are a good choice, however I heard from someone that field point arrowheads from an archery store are a good cheap alternative. (place three per speaker in a triangle formation, one on the front edge, two on the back corners, spikes pointing UPWARD) You may already know all this already but in any case good luck :^)
you may also want to experiment with other interconnects. Try to borrow some demo's from a local dealer if possible. Explain your present sonic signature & your goal of course.
Simon> I have been researching this same problem (lack of bass weight). I was considering a sub and still am. However I found one thing that has given me more bass is a dedicated circuit. Let me say that I was skeptical and put in the circuit primarily because of possible circuit overload. However I noticed an improvement. I waited a month or so and replaced the cheap receptacle with an Arrow-Hart hospital grade recep. Again I noticed an improvement. There seems to be more bass and openness. One more incrament and I'm there. Now I haven't tried any power cords yet, but it's next on my list. You might want to give it a try. Virtual Dynamics and Absolute sell for $50 with a $ back. Also Acme recep ($30) get great reviews. PC's and Acme outlet is my next step. You may scoff at this. Six months ago I would have.