New Esoteric P02 D02


Seems like there is a new set up separates from Esoteric. The P02 D02. Hven't seen any info out there at all, but it is for sale already at retailers. Not a substitute of the P03 D03 as expected, that are still selling as well, but a new category in between de 01s and 03s. DACs and inputs seem like an upgrade of the K01.

Anyone has any info, or heard of this? You can read about it at Esoteric parent company home page (in Japan but in English).

Price in Europe is 3.000 Euros higher than the 03s per unit (so +6000 EUros higher in total)

Any feedback, info news?

Eelii, So far I have had great results with all your suggestions. I would love to give the 9500 PCs a try. I am a bit disappointed with the SR cords, I had hi hopes for them, but they are a pain in the ass to work with.
I am hell bent on maximizing these components, I don't believe I will be moving from the D-2/P-02/G-01 for a long time, if ever. As great as they sound now, I know there is more to get from them, and cords and speakers are where my shortcomings are. It is a tough pill to swallow, to spend nearly as much on PCs and ICs as components, but it appears to be necessary to actualize the best sound from these pieces.
Yes I agree. See if you can get a demo somehow. Spending that much blind on cables is a great act of faith. I think you will like them, almost sure, but the degree of improvement can vary greatly from one system to another and you could find it is not worth it. The problem as you know is that you need 3 of them...

honest honest and honestly asking, have any one truly compared p-02/D-02 vs P-01/D-01, as compo???

comparing 02 vs 03 has no meaning, as we know (sorry for such statement).

this comparison of p-02/D-02 vs P-01/D-01 is quite important.

Not me. Asume you mean the old 01s? My guess is that the 02s are more resolving. But I do not know first hand. The new 01s I think they will be better. By how much and if it is worth it, that is the question. I would habe liked to see in the new 01s streaming capabilities of some kind.
Hi Tony,

The new p02/d02 has a slightly different sound signature than p01vuk/d01 I compared with. I cant comment on full vuk upgrade since the d01 I compared with was a well broken in d01 store demo piece from Spearit Sound without the vuk upgrade. The d02 and p01 vuk I used had more than 1000hrs. during the comparison, but the p02 which was exhibit demo piece was not completely broken in.
Cables were Esoteric 6300s for AES and audio out. Power cables were 7300s. The clock was G0rb. Filter was s_dly1 on D02, FIR on D01.

In short the new combo was slightly more detailed ,extracting more spatial information then the older one. The older one was more together and had a sound slight more cohesive and laid back. The newer one was more forward and it was highlighting some details more than other. The new combo had a larger and bigger sound stage. The older combo had a deeper sound stage than the newer one. P01 vuk /D01 had slightly warmer and thicker mid bass that helped some leaner recordings. On the other hand the new combo was more refined and didnt sound coarse with greater separation. On some cds the older one was better(especially lesser recordings) on some other the new one.
With SACDs the winner was the new combo which is due to the fact that the older d01 down converts dsd signal either to 88k or 176k pcm.

In short one is more laid back and cohesive,also slightly less refined the other one is more dynamic, clean but also more forward and very slightly less cohesive. They may sound closer with better cable choices that can compliment slight shortcomings or personal choices.

They are both great sounding digital gear but I would go for the newer combo for true dsd support, usb capability, the new 35 bit processing, plus easier upgrade path to new p1 or d1. The d01 has a great built in analog preamp. But since you have a preamp. that is not a plus.