TV between speakers: Curved Screen TV, help? Hurt?

For those of us that must have our TV between the speakers, I am wondering I'd the new curved screen TV's would offer benefit to reflections. Anyone that has done this, I would be curious to hear your experience. Or anyone with acoustics experience, would you be willing to share your thoughts and theory's? Although I am not attracted to the curved screen for viewing, it seems they offer the better picture.
Thanks in advance.
I recently installed the curved 78" Samsung to replace my flat Mitsubishi 73" dip, and it made a surprisingly nice improvement in sound stage and focus, especially at the 'sweet spot' Before, the flat TV was a big impediment to optimizing sound stage, it was collapsed, now things are much improved, in my room, set up on a diaganol. i also agree, unanticipated problem is significant glare reflections from almost any light source in room, or from room behind it, thru open baffles. But the image quality and picture quality are truly awesome. Love it!
Mribob, thank you for adding the info about the improved soundstage. I had thought it must help, but I have concluded that the glare issue would be a much bigger annoyance. I have pretty much decided to stay flat, I am just waiting for the new models to hit showrooms next month.
if you have to have it, just hang RPG diffusers over it during listening sessions. The sound waves will never "see" the tv.Put a soft towel between the screen and diffuser so it doesnt scratch. Layer EMI cloth behind/around but watch heat/vents. Interference is not only physical... use a separate power conditioner and plug it on a different circuit.
I don't see how a curved screen would offer ant acoustic advantage over a flat screen. To me they are like looking at a goldfish bowl. If you want improved acoustics do some research on acoustic panels but they aren't going to look good in your living room.
In the all out assault on room acoustics done by the firm Rives, there is a very large curved hardwood reflector in the center of the wall directly behind the speakers. But, the curve is convex not concave like a curved screen flatscreen. These this are such a bad gimmick.