DC Metro

I was wondering if there is any interest in a DC area audio or audio/video society. About twelve years ago, I was one of the founders of the Greater South Bay Audiophile Society in the Los Angeles area and had a great time attending the meetings, learning more about the synergy of products, and meeting great people and listening to the different types of music these people brought to the meetings. We held monthly meetings, either at member's homes or at local audio stores, and had manufacturers come in and demonstrate their latest gear. I moved to Northern Virginia about ten years ago and didn't find a similar group in the area. An attempt at forming a group about six or seven years ago did not generate much interest, but from talking to some of the people I've met recently, there may be enough of an interest to try again.
For full disclosure, I started up a part-time home-based audio business early last year. The first planning meeting could be held at our showroom and we could listen to some of the new products we've recently added to our lines. Some may see this as a conflict of interest, and since I am not planning on being one of the officers or prime movers of the society, we could have the meeting elsewhere. The bottom line is anyone interested?
It was a great time for sure, fairly laid back which was nice. Great hosts for sure! I look forward to the next meeting! Thanks to Larry and all others and Cary for bringing gear and discussing it.

Sorry I missed it, too. Please keep me on the list for next time.
David in Takoma Park
Hey DC Guys,

I will be in the the DC area in July & Aug. If your group is interested in my demonstrating the Metronome digital components such as the state-of-the-art Kalsita transport, please contact me. info@tmhaudio.com

More info at http://www.tmhaudio.com/Metronome.htm
Hi All,
Has this club continued? I'm in Fairfax and am definitely interested. I suffer from a very small listening room so probably can't host anything, but I'm more than willing to participate in some way.
