Sound Application line conditioner experience?

I have heard this is a SOTA line conditioner. Does anyone have experience with this product? What are the true SOTA conditioners out there today?
Teck5 or anyone that can help:
I would like to know the sequence of plugging components in. I just purchased an RLS on Audiogon and am very impressed. While there was only a slight improvement in background noise and imaging - the top end REALLY became much clearer and lifelike.
I'd like to know the sequence, since we power our Pass XA amplifiers, Oppo 93, Meridian 861v6, 800 and HD621 and LG 60 Plasma TV in our RLS. BTW - we use MIT Oracle cables and Watt Puppy speakers and Jim's RLS took our system to the next level!
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer, Thomas.
Tjassoc, the sequence is always the same. Big amps on last and off first.
Hi Tjassoc,
Depending on the Sound Application model you have and in reference to the where the power cord plugs into the unit:

For the Digital side:
- digital source closest to the power cord
- and then remaining digital items after that

For Analog side:
- pre amp first or closest to power cord
- then remaining analog components

I suggest you plug your amp direct to the wall.

Hope it helps.
Thank you for your help. We're enjoying our Sound Application and will reconfigure ours to your/Jims recommendation.
Kindest regards, TJ Foti.
Yes - thank you Tbg for informing us of these recommendations. I've already re-confirgured ours :-)