Help! Need amp recommendations.......

Hey, I'm looking for a high current amp at least 100watts per channel SS to drive my B&W DM630 floorstanding loudspeakers; by the way, has anyone heard these speakers? What did you think? Anyway, I'm on a budget and I'm not averse to buying used i guess i'm looking for a amp/pre amp combo for less than 1K used. Any ideas? Thanx, Jefferson
Hey Doug: Melish posted his want list over a year and a half ago. He probably has a Melos by now:-) David
Consider a second-hand McCormack DNA-1 (or the less expensive, less powerful DNA-.05) and a passive pre-amp: perhaps the Adcom SLC-1. Buying both should set you back just under $1000. I have that exact combination and am very, very pleased with them.