What tube preamp to get to smooth out the sound?????

Hi have Wadia 850 cdp directly to pair of Odyssey Monoblocks, speakers are NHT 3.3's...Im very happy with the strengths of each component but recently sold a Adcom gfp 750 pre because all I listen to is CD, so I figure why not sell it and go direct..but the sound is not as good as when I had the preamp, direct sounds more hard/etchy , not as smooth as with the pre..I want to buy another pre but get something better than what I had before instead of SS was thinking of getting into tubes to get more warmth/smoothness I want to get rid of any harshness/etchines .... trying to keep it under 2k used, any suggestions from others who had this kind of problem I hear BAT is particulary good...
I thought I was stretching it to suggest a fluid to make the CDs less bright! Yeah, I sharpen the edge of CDs with the CD cutter (Audio Desk Systeme) and use a couple more fluids on them as well, but Optrix is a great place to start and all the rest of it, while additive, doesn't do as much as that first squirt of Optrix.......
Hey Bob, isn't that the contraption that's carried over from your previous vocation as a moel? Is it HSR?
Blue Circle BC3 is can be had for well under 2k used..power supply can be upgraded..only 2 6922's means you can do lots of tube rolling without breaking the bank and voice the pre as you wish.
Is it possible that you are now hearing some grain and sharpness in the high end of the NHTs? I have small NHTs for my HT, with nowhere near the resolution you have in the rest of my HT system, but I know that some say that they can be bright. As for a pre, I like my BAT VK3i which I recently retubed with Siemens NOS E88CCs and NOS GE 6V6GTs. Bought the tubes on ebay at a pretty decent price and it sounds great. I do have Vandersteens which some call a little laid back, but it was a big improvement over the stock Sovteks (which admittedly may have been a little long in the tooth).

And Suzy, we understand your reluctance to name names but hopefully the recent changes here (moderated forum) will help tame the harshest flames. Glad to hear a new voice.