Best used amp for < $500?

Poor college kid here. (we all were at one time, weren't we?) I'm looking for a good 2 channel amp for possible main usage, or possible bridging for my THX sub. I'm trying to keep the cost down below $350, max $500. What are my options? (I've looked at used Rotel, Marantz, NAD, Carver, AudioSource, Adcom)
I think that for the $, there are several options. I'll give you my favorite two. If you want something to play strong and drive a big load, I would get an Acurus A150 or A 100. Both should be 300-370. They are much more refined than the ADCOM, Rotel, NAD , stuff you had mentioned. When I was in your position, the first amp I bought was the ADCOM 545 MkII and enjoyed it until I auditioned the Acurus. No comparison in speed, background quietness, and detail. Also, a sleeper of an amp is anything by Forte (poor man's Threshold-same company). The model 5 (100/channel) is used usually 400-500. Sounds incredibly quiet and mids and highs are wonderful for the price. Good low end, but not like the Acurus. Anyway, all audio thoughts are opinions, and opinions are like.... Anyway, listen to those if you get a chance. And remember as you embark on this audio trip, it is to enjoy the music, not to keep improving your system. that's a hole we all fall into pretty easily. Best of luck.
A great int. is the AR 07 from the early 90's. 70W/per dual power supplys 25 amp current.Kills nad Rotel Carver etc.Kinnda rare but who knows?Has lots of inputs. The 04, 05, 06 are similar with less power and no pre in/out.Have seen the 04 on ebay for $100.
I'll second the comments on the Acurus A150. I've been through several different kinds myself (Carver, Marantz, etc), and settled on the A150 and 100X3 for a 5 channel setup, with the A150 driving the front L/R. You can find clean examples of the A150 for $300-400. It's still the best 2 channel I've heard for under $1000. By the way, while we're on the subject of Mondial Designs, I don't think you can beat the Aragon 8008BB for under $5000 (list is $2750), or the Palladiums for under $10K (list is $5500). I'll admit I'm a Mondial fan, but the sound to value ratio is hard to argue with.
I'll second the comments on the Acurus A150. I've been through several different kinds myself (Carver, Marantz, etc), and settled on the A150 and 100X3 for a 5 channel setup, with the A150 driving the front L/R. You can find clean examples of the A150 for $300-400. It's still the best 2 channel I've heard for under $1000. By the way, while we're on the subject of Mondial Designs, I don't think you can beat the Aragon 8008BB for under $5000 (list is $2750), or the Palladiums for under $10K (list is $5500). I'll admit I'm a Mondial fan, but the sound to value ratio is hard to argue with.
For driving a sub, the PSE Studio IV is simply unbeatable, but it is hard to find. Shouldn't cost more than $400 if you do. Another killer bass amp is the original Belles 150. I doubt you will see one of these on the web though. Too old for most internet audiophiles.