The owner of Grant Fidelity is battling cancer

Just an FYI. I just found this out now. I have no affiliation with Grant Fidelity. I do own a GF DAC-09 that I find very enjoyable. I'm just putting this out there.

Sat, 12/01/2012 - 12:21 — Grant Fidelity

With great sadness, I am letting all previous and future customers know that Ian Grant, one of the founders of Grant Fidelity has recently been diagnosed with advanced stage cancer in spine, liver and lungs . Cancer has severely damaged Ian's spine so under doctor's strict instruction, he can no longer handle anything more than 10lbs of weight. Myself as Ian's life partner will be at his side to support him fighting with cancer in the coming time for whatever it takes. Needless to say, this devastating event will result in major changes in the business of Grant Fidelity.
Ian and myself will need to free up time from the business of Grant Fidelity for Ian's cancer treatment immediately. He has made the choice of receiving alternative cancer treatment which will offer better life quality than conventional radiation and chemotherapy. The alternative cancer treatments are not covered by health insurance, hence we will need to raise cash from quick sale of inventory so that Ian can have the best chance possible to win this battle with advanced cancer.

First of all, Grant Fidelity is NOT shutting down. We are making changes to meet the new challenges. Ian is NOT giving up on this battle with cancer and neither am I. We both have been working full time on Grant Fidelity for the past years and have enjoyed meeting many wonderful friends through the business. Many of them have expressed their support to us after hearing the news and we couldn't say enough 'thank you' to their kindness.
I've lost so many good people to cancer I cannot count. The worst was my two Aunt's and my Mom.

No easy way to deal with a disease that has no mercy on the innocent and loved.
Sad to here of the passing of Ian. I spoke to him a few times about his products. Always a gentleman.

Cancer is a brutal disease that has no limits on it's victims. The toughest was learning last Sunday that my daughters best friend succumbed to the brain cancer she was fighting. 27yrs young!

Prayers for Rachel may she be comforted at this time of loss.