highest damping factor amp

Looking for a small solid state with a high damping factor to control my 15inch woofers in a biamp system.
Thanks for the reply. The Crown amp you mentioned is the highest I've ever heard of too. It's too big for what I need. Twin TAD 15inch drivers that are 97db efficient each. I don't need much power, just control. Was thinking Aleph 3's.
Don't know the damping factor of the Aleph 3, it's just a high quality small SS amp. Other's to consider: Bedini 25/25; BEL 1001; Bryston 2b; ????? I like the Eagle 2 idea, thanks. There's a new amp from JOB that's TINY in size physically and 50 watts.
check this
 i myself use crown k2

df 3000
wire lenght 3 ft
wire awg 2/0

damping result 2711the k2 is now intalled on the subs side with the terminals close to the driver terminals