favorite amp/pre-amp combos?

would like to know what some of you other hifi freaks favorite amp/pre-amp combos which you have owned or just heard?
For most folks "best" is a question of compromise, based almost exclusively on your financial resourses. If you are among those few for whom $$ are not an issue, then buy the Boulder 2010 Preamp and a pair of Boulder 2050 Monos. I've been at this game for 25 years, have been to every CES for the past 10 years, listened to hundreds of components and own a system that retails for >$85,000. Of course my current system sounds great, but will sound even better when I replace my amp/preamps with the Boulders (current = JRDG 8ti Amp; Accuphase DC330 for digital sources (w/ Accuphase DP 90 Transport) and Nagra PL-P on the analogue side.) You should also listen to enough stuff to recognize that the "best" electronics are greatly dependent on your speakers of choice (and your frontends). Great tubes can sound wonderful on high-efficiency drivers. I tend to prefer lower-efficiency speakers (current= Avalon Eidolons) and therefore lean heavily towards balls-to-the-wall solid state.
BAT VK preamp and Plinius SA-100. They seem to complement each other to give a sound that is smooth and detailed but still has "punch", bass and crystal, clear highs. Imaging is almost holographic. Highly recommended.
Hi 9107; At more user friendly price levels, and over the last several years, I've enjoyably used Sonic Frontiers pre-amps: SFL-1, SFL-2, Line 1, Line 2, Line 3-- didn't like Line 3, with McCormack amps: DNA-1DX, DNA-2DX, and DNA.5. These have all been used with Vandersteen 2Ce, 3A, and 3A sig. speakers. BTW, Vandersteen and McCormack used to exhibit together (for several years)-- and for good reason. Happy listening. Craig
Sonic Frontiers Line 2 is a great tube pre-amp. It's affordable, too ($1600-$2000 on Audiogon). I currently use it to drive a Bryston 4BST solid state amp ($1100-$1500 on Audiogon).