preamps - vtl tl5.5/rogue 99/linn kairn

i currently use a linn kairn w/brilliant p/s & fono - great transparency/detail/clarity/pace, & convenience. considering toobs, & have narrowed it down to the vtl tl-5.5 & the rogue 99. both have optional internal fono, like the linn. i'm interested in the possibility of better soundstage depth, but don't wanna give up what the linn does well. speakers are meret re's, bi-amped w/a pair of electrocompaniet amps; lo-end is x-over'd at 60hz w/a marchand 24db/octave x-over, to a pair of bridged adcom gfa 555's driving vmps larger subs. any comments/suggestions? max budget is ~$2k (new *or* used). thanks
good choice dude!! I found some BDR cones #4 under my 99 added more magic to this fine pre.
BTW Stereophile recently reviewed the little brother 66 and gave it a solid Class B rating.Not bad for a $1200 pre!
hi all,

phunny, i started this thread last may - was it really that long ago i started looking for a preamp? :>)

telescope_trade, the 1st tube pre i had in my system was the magnum wersion of the rogue 99 - it was too coloured & had poor bass response, even w/nos tubes, so away it went. while it had more depth than the linn, if i had to choose between the two, i'd have chosen the linn. it mighta been an impedence mismatch, tho. the cary slp98 i replaced it with was better in *all* areas, but especially in accuracy & bass-treble extension. also had a separate tape-loop & balance controls, which i found useful.

but, i found a melos music director that i've always wanted to try shortly after i bought the cary, so, knowing i could sell either the melos or the cary & not take a beating (the adwantage of buying used!), i tried out the melos. well, it's in a completely different league than either the cary or the rogue, & i'm *wery* happy w/it. still curious about that vtl tl-5.5 tho... ;~)

regards, doug

Sedond and David99, Do either of you know how I can (or if) connect my Bag End sud to the pre? In the 66 they mention a internal swith that allows you to use a sub. The manual does not mention anything about it. Thanks, Bob
telescope_trade, i know nothing of this switch, but call mark o'brien at rogue - he's wery friendly & helpful (tho he prolly doesn't care for *me* too much!) ;~)

do ewe have the elf processor w/your bag-end? i'm not wery familiar w/how this works, but doesn't the pre's outputs go to this proccessor? in my case, i run a pair ov vmps larger subs, and my pre feeds a marchand active x-over which splits the signals to the amps...
