Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Bombaywalla, I'm pretty certain that none of the DEQX products, or at least the current ones, include phono stages. Given that, and also given the considerable level of expertise and experience that is evident in Drewan's posts, and also given that RCA connectors are sometimes referred to as "phono connectors," I would expect that the word "phono" in his statement was simply intended to distinguish the unit's RCA input from the balanced XLR input referred to in his next sentence.

Best regards,
-- Al
thanks for clarifying, Almarg. RCA/single-ended input might have been a less confusing word to use...
Allmarg is correct, apologies if I confused everybody, in my country a single ended input is often called a 'phono' socket. A phono stage is something else entirely

I should also point out that the latest HDP4 processor uses an entirely different (presumably improved) DAC compared to the HDP3 that I have. I still maintain that the primary benefit of DEQX is the speaker correction facility. Anything else is a bonus
Thanks ALMARG for helping us stay on track. I hope your helpful attitude becomes contagious!Very reassuring.
So, if I have a Dac that I like and only want the speaker correction function , is there a Deox unit that just does that?