Progressive Scanning

What the deally, yo?!?! Ahem.. What is progressive scanning, and why did I buy a DVD player too soon? Does the monitor attached to the DVD player need Progressive scanning as well? Thanks loyal thread followers!
To utalizePro.scan Dvd you need HDTV.The standard scan rate for is 15.HDTV the scan rate is 31.End of story.And lets get real; HBO's sat brodcast in hd KILLS what you see on dvd.
Audaibnjad, thanks for the info, it is most enlightening. I was trying to generalize and simplify in my first post.
You may consider the Pioneer DV434 progressive scan ouput which is about $299.00 or if you have a PC-DVD then you should get the RealMagic Hollywood Plus Progressive Scan output DVD decoder card price about $39.00. This will output movie exactly in the DVD's 720x480 non-interlace format, either ways you'll be supprise with the film like picture of the progressive scan system.