Preamp expriences? Good value amp

I will be listening to a Rogue 66 Magnum preamp this weekend. What are your experiences? I'm looking for a preamp with good imaging, detail, and a bit of warmth. Any suggestions? Also, a friend of my suggested a Muse Model 3 Signature, a totally updated preamp from Muse Electronics. It suppose to have a very transparent sound. The theater loop is a HUGE plus. Any thoughts. My systems are, EAD PM1000 amp, Bohlender 520dx hybrid ribbon speakers, Sony ca7es (want to upgrade) CDP.


As Yoda said, "There is another". As you are CD based, your amp has a good amount of gain, and your ribbons are VERY revealing, you really ought to check out one of the Reference Line Preemminance pre-amps. They are "passive" preamps with full switching and tape loop facilities. The newer versions have dual, stepped attenuators. They are astonishingly transparent and dynamic. Best of all they go for about $400-600 here. If resolution, dynamics and soundstaging are big hitters in your book, you will probably decide to keep it within seconds after hearing something played thru one. Good luck.
You should consider a PASS Labs Aleph P. Ihad one for 4 years, and the only reason I traded it in was because I wanted a home theater pre-amp/processor. These things are built like a tank, they are completely balanced throughout, and sound awesome. I wouldn't describe the sound as dark, there is very little sonic signature to it at all. It it extremely transparent. They are available used for about $1500 for a non-remote version, and usually about $500 more for the remote version.
I've had a few preamps in my system over the past year. My system at the time, consisted of CJ Premier 11a tube amp, Denon DCD-1650AR CD player used as transport, MSB Gold Link III 24/96 DAC, and Thicl CS 1.5 speakers. I tried the following preamps:

Conrad-Johnson PV-14L tube preamp, sweet warm smooth midrange but I felt it rolled off too much at the upper and lower frequency extremes and lacked low end punch in my setup. Probably a better match for use with a solid-state amp or a system that is somewhat "bright".

Audio Research LS-16 tube preamp, not as sweet and warm as the CJ in the midrange but good soundstage and better low frequency punch and improved treble. More neutral sounding than the CJ PV-14L. Doesn't go overboard with too much of that tube sound but still slightly smooth and warm in the mids.

Adcom GFP-750 solid-state preamp... I am amazed! Although I miss the midrange warmth offered by the tube preamps, I am very impressed with this modest solid-state unit. I would say that its the most accurate sounding preamp I have used in my system with outstanding low end punch and good treble and soundstage. I just wish it had a bit more midrange warmth.

I am currently using the Adcom GFP-750 in my system but also keep the Audio Research LS-16 nearby. I've been swapping between these two for the past couple weeks and can't decide which one I prefer.

All of these preamps offer a pass through feature for easy integration into a home theatre setup.
I love my Rogue 66. This has to be one of the best buys in audio.

The 66 is indeed slightly warm (but not wooly), has a huge soundstage with excellent imaging and impressive dynamics. Very natural tonality. I think it has good detail, though not as much as its big brother, the 99, or other preamps costing 3-4x as much (duh!!). I've not had any hum or cross talk issues. The 66 will benefit from a tube roll, especially Amperex Bugleboys. If imaging and soundstage are a priority, tubes are where it's at.

BTW, I've been contemplating an upgrade, and I'm looking at preamps in the 3-5K range to better the 66.