Hi Bruce. If you mailed me your configuration file I could have a look at how it's been set up (its a .mzd file stored in the DEQX folder on your PC/Laptop). This would allow me to see all your measurements and how Larry set it up. If the file is too large we could use Dropbox or similar (my working config file is 9MB but this has measurements for 4 sets of speakers and 3 types of Sub, yours should be much simpler)
This doesn't mean I would change anything unless you wanted me to but if you then asked questions about any of the features, I could modify the file, save another version and send it back to you to load and try out
This doesn't mean I would change anything unless you wanted me to but if you then asked questions about any of the features, I could modify the file, save another version and send it back to you to load and try out