Soundstream DA-2 THX Amplifier

Hi, All! Does anyone out there have first-hand experience with this amplifier? I have an opportunity to purchase several "new" units. I am interested in finding out anything I can before I lay down my hard earned dollars on this "deal". Can anybody help me?
It was actually a pretty nice amp. I think 200 watts channel. If I remember correctly, it's bridgeable as well. If the price is right, I'd go with it. FYI, I have a Soundstream DAC 1 available. FYI, The SoundStream M-100 series were horrible. Best DC
Thanks for the feedback, Audioplus. I've already purchased seven of these to replace three Fosgate 4200's. The only catch is the Soundstreams are 240v models, which was of no real concern to me since I'm starting fresh building a dedicate HT in my home. I do like the build quality of these amps, and yes, they are bridgeable, have remote triggers, thermal protection, and balanced inputs. (Paid less than $250 ea. Right price?)
I think they were appx $1000 new (maybe more). Good price. I rep'd alot of high end HT mnfrs (Runco, Stewart, B&K, JBL Syn, etc) the last several years. What are you placing in your system? Regards, DC