Anyone built a Welborne Labs amp kit?

I just received my Welborne kits and I am in need of having a few questions answered. Understand, I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to hear back from Welborne. Your attention is much appreciated. Best regards, Rick
I purchased some kits from them in the past. They are unresponsive, unhelpful, and in the end - couldn't even get their own product to function properly. Good luck.
It says a lot about a company when they treat a customer like that. I personally have e-mailed companies with questions, when I don't even own their products. Sometimes detailed, lucid responses are provided(sometimes even within an hour). After a few of these conversations with a manufacturer(oftentimes, the head person), you realize that these are companies you WANT to deal with. And when you audition their products and like what you hear, then you may be more than happy to purchase. They deserve our money!
Well, thanks much guys, for your responses. The scoop is that I have now built these kits in SPITE of the fact that I have never done anything of the sort before and as well, the fact that to this day, I REMAIN unable to get through to a live human being over at Welborne Labs, via the telephone---and further, these are not toll-free long distance calls we are talking about. Time after time, you leave a voice message and they NEVER ONCE call you back. While I can therefore well see from where Asfortier comes to state that they are unresponsive and unhelpful, in fairness to Welborne basis my experience at least, this was not altogether true. Welborne does eventually respond via email MOST of the time, but this is typically much later than sooner and it does sometimes feel as if one is pulling teeth, so-to-speak. In spite of it all, Ron Welborne does seem like a very nice guy AND they do make one heck of a quality kit for the money. I owe a debt of gratitude to Andy Bartha, mod guru, down in Florida, as he was the one who came to my aid relative to several questions, the answers to which I couldn't seem to get out of the Welborne people. In conclusion, if you are like I was---completely devoid of any electronics experience whatsoever and you have what I humbly refer to as half-a-brain (or if you are as Dr. Harvey "Gizmo" Rosenberg, Guildmeister of the Triode Guild would characterizes it, a "HI-IQ male" [or female]), and are capable of being absolutely meticulous about your work, you can build one of these kits and you will indeed be greatly rewarded for your efforts. And if you should have any questions (and you undoubtedly will) prior to, during or after construction, please feel free to contact me as I can now, by way of my personal experience, save you a whole lot of anxiety and frustration---and hopefully even make it an entirely painless endeavor.