Best DVD player in $500-$1000 Range

Any first hand experiences in this price range would be great. My TV is not progressive scan compatable.? Thanks
Chasskelljr, The build quality of the DV-37 is fine, with excellent design features, (separation of power, audio, video sections). Its performance equals, or betters the DV-09, and if you ever need progressive scan in the future, your already set. Believe me the DV-37 has a superior picture to the Sony DVP-7700, and way better sound. I had them both on the same TV, and the Pioneer has more of a three dimensional look, richer colors, sharper picture. You can find the DV-7 around $700 easily. Good luck.
Bmpnyc--Thanks for the tip..... Your point is well taken.... I'll add the Pioneer Elite DV-37 to my shortlist. But one other question remains. I thought that the Pioneer Elite DV-37 retails for about $1,000.00. And I see you managed to land yours for $700.00. Where can you buy a Pioneer Elite DV-37 for that price?? That sounds like an awfully great price. --Charles--
I usually get a discount for many reasons, one being a 25 year friendship with an audio salesman but, if you call Uncles Stereo at (212) 721-7500 I an fairly certain they will ship it to you for around $750 or less. Let me know how it goes.
Bmpnyc -- Well, on my day off from work today, I left the house to go shopping for a while. And while I was on my excursion, I did go to ONE of the "high-end" dealers that are in my area today. When I got there, I talked to an audio salesman (one of whom I have establised a working relationship because he's so knowledgeable about the products his store carries and whose opinion I value highly) about the upcoming crop of the new DVD Players that are either out already or are coming out in the next month or two. And believe it or not (well, that's a poor choice of words........ I guess I mean "to affirm" what you were also telling me), he already has the new Pioneer Elite DV-37 in his store (set up in a home theater and playing away). We talked about THIS very player today (after telling him about this website) and we made back-and-forth comparisons between it and the Sony DVP-S9000ES, and he believes that the preliminaries are that the Sony DVP-9000ES isn't that much better than the DVP-S7700 (and the Pioneer Elite DV-37 is a LOT BETTER than the Sony DVP-S7700 according to him..... better transport, better DACs, better build quality and better picture and sound), so that means that it could be possible that Pioneer Elite DV-37 could also beat the hell out of the Sony DVP-S9000ES (being that the Pioneer offers FAR BETTER performance and at a lower price. But he will be getting a Sony DVP-S9000ES in his store in a couple of weeks and he and his staff is going to evaluate it to confirm their findings, but in the meanwhile, making a strong case for the Pioneer Elite DV-37. And also, you were also right about the price too. I believe I'll be getting my DVD Player from him too. He'll let me have the DV-37 for $700.00 (about $200.00 less than the Sony DVP-S7700, $800.00 less than the DVP-S9000ES and $1,100.00 and $1,500.00 less than the upcoming Pioneer Elite DV-38 and DV-09 respectively). So, you were right about the price after all. Thanks for the tip. The Pioneer Elite DV-37 has now been elevated to the top of my shortlist. --Charles--