Help deciding on DD/DTS Pre-amp

Currently using a Yamaha 3090 as a Pre-amp and Sunfire Cinema Grande for power and Polk SRT system for speakers and Kimber for wires. I have decided that the Yamaha may be getting dated and it may be time to step up to the next level. I would like to stay solid state and not get too outrageous but I want quality sound in both 2 channel and 5 channel. I have seen the B&K Ref 20 and am considering a used one but wondered what you audiophiles think.
Wcj56, I own a B&K and it is awesome. I have listened and looked at most of the Pre/Pros mentioned plus others(including the Krell, Lexicon, Meridian). For the money(especially the used prices), the B&K is hard to beat. B&K's upgrade policy and service makes it a better value. Furthermore using a DVD with 24/96 out to the B&K D/A converters is amazing on the Master recordings. I would have to A/B a Pre/Pro in my system before I would conceed any of these will out perform mine. Not saying it is impossible, but I'm not ready to throw down the bucks for the highend hipe. Also, going from B&K to that Marantz??? Okay. Good luck......B&K Pre/Pros are great....LR
Took a look and listen to Sunfire, Krell, and Adcom yesterday. The Adcom surprisingly was blown away by the other two. The Krell was the better sounding but at $6000 is a little too much. Has anyone compared the Sunfire TG-II to any of the others? I do like that the Sunfire and the B&K have tuners, its not a big deal but a few less wires. The B&K Ref20 does not have video switching but the Ref30 does, again not a real big deal but every thing added is a plus. I do beleive I will set my limit around $3000 new and hopefully find a deal that is too good to be true. Thanks everyone for your input. Rich
Rich- I think you will want video switching, unless your monitor has lots of inputs. And then you may have to do the multiple remote thing, most universals will not switch video inputs on a TV. I saw a movie demo on the CAL unit (not sure model #). big bucks, but awesome picture and movie sound.
I auditioned many of the ones posted above and went with a new B&K Ref 30. Sounds awesome playing music and movies in 6.1 are a treat. I have it powered with amps by Parasound. I moved up from a Marantz, there's no comparison.
I'd add the Bryston SP-1 to your short list. Bryston may not come to mind as a HT manufacturer, but they are the parent company for Lexicon, and the Lexicon and Bryston lines are virtually identical. The SP-1 has not been formally reviewed, to my knowledge, by the high-end audio mags, but the feedback I've gotten from owners sounds very encouraging.