The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth

When I began my journey in high-end audio 36 years ago….no-one ever wrote about arm and cartridge matching nor tonearm resonant frequency…?
Over the last 10 years or so…this topic has become not only ubiquitous, but has mutated beyond its definition, to THE guiding principle of matching cartridge to tonearm….❓❗️😵
The Resonant Frequency can be calculated using a complex formula relating Tonearm Effective Mass to the cartridge’s Compliance….or it can be simply measured using a Test record of various frequency sweeps.
The RECOMMENDED Resonant Frequency of any tonearm/cartridge combination is between 8-12Hz.
But WHY is this the recommended frequency and WHAT does it really mean…?

The raison d’etre of this Resonant Frequency…is to avoid WARPED records inducing ‘resonance’ into the tonearm…..
Say what…❓😵
WARPED records….❓❗️
Yes…..ONLY warped records❗️😎
But doesn’t it have any meaning for NORMAL records…❓
None whatsoever…..😊👍
Let me explain….🎼

A badly warped record induces the tonearm to rise and fall rapidly on the ‘sprung’ cantilever of the cartridge.
Depending on the severity and frequency of this warping…..a subsonic frequency between 2-5Hz is induced so if your tonearm/cartridge Resonant Frequency dips into this frequency range….it will begin resonating and thus miss-track and/or induce hum through your system.🎤
Keeping the lower limits of your tonearm/cartridge Resonant Frequency to 8Hz simply insures against this possibility.🎶

So what about the 12Hz upper limit…❓
This simply insures against the possibility of any ultra low-level frequency information which MAY be on the record, also inducing this same miss-tracking or hum. For instance if your tonearm/cartridge Resonant Frequency was 18Hz and you had an organ record or one containing synthesised bass going down to 16Hz…..your tonearm may miss-track or you MAY develop a hum❓😢

So how many badly WARPED record do you possess…❓
I have three out of a thousand or so……and have NEVER experienced miss-tracking or hum even on these three…❗️😍

Yet these days….everyone (without exception it seems)…even tonearm and cartridge designers….happily follow the dictum of this Arm/Cartridge MATCH as if it affected sound quality…..❓
This Resonant Frequency has ZERO affect on the sound quality of a particular tonearm/cartridge combination and I have proved it hundreds of times with a dozen different arms and over 40 cartridges.

The best match for ANY cartridge ever made….is simply the very best tonearm you can afford…whatever its Effective Mass…😘
Syntax sez's, even more audible internal turntable vibrations ( bearings ,
belts , motor (s) platter, suspension ,
They degrade the possible maximum performance more then anything

Profound effect
I wanted the DiskTracker so badly- never got one. Now, don't need one but somehow, I still want one.

It's as though everything I wanted to get in 1977 or 1978 but could because I just didn't have the dough, I want to own now, even if for a little while. What's been on that list that I've actually bought so many years later? Thorens turntable, Philips GA312 turntable, AR turntable, a Marantz receiver, ohm F speakers (still in my garage). Never yearned for Mac gear.

This is how threads get off track
Thank you all for the kind words, and thank you Al for correcting my sloppy math . . .

On the issue of acoustic feedback, I'd just like to add that it rarely occurs at the tonearm/cartridge main resonance point, simply because it takes a speaker with extremely powerful subsonic response to produce enough energy to "close the loop" at these frequencies. But with a big subwoofer, it can definitely happen. Usually it seems to occur at a frequency that's modally related to room dimensions, or in the mid-bass region where the loudspeakers are efficient, but the turntable's suspension isn't.
I have (and had) combinations which have been between 9.7 -10.0- 10.4
Nearly super (from that Theory) but I was amazed that some carts performed MUCH better in Arms where the "calculation" showed different datas.
If you're not actually measuring the resonance point, there's no way to know whether or not you're getting the best results within a given range. Keep in mind that manufacturer compliance and effective-mass data varies wildly in its accuracy - and poor data isn't an indicator that the theory of operation is incorrect. Similarly, many speaker drivers have inaccurate specifications for their Thiele-Small parameters . . . but this doesn't mean that the matching of the driver and the cabinet is any less important.

Of course, the tonearm/cartridge resonance envelope is just one of myriad factors that determine sound quality in LP playback, but it is one of the fundamentals. It's also something that is particular to playback . . . that is, it's one of the ways in which a turntable is fundamentally different from a cutting lathe.
@Zavato- You said that, even though you don't need one now; you still want a Disctracker. The one on eBay is still available.
Hi Ralph,
Henry, Its more than being about warped records, if you read inbetween the lines of Kirkus's post above- if the effective mass is incorrect, you can actually have the stylus jump out of the groove of a perfectly flat, concentric LP.

An excellent example is a Grado on a Graham 2.2- does the well-known 'Grado dance' shortly before exiting stage left (IOW, jumps out of the groove).

The other issue is you won't be able to get the cartridge to track complex material correctly. So its a big deal and not just about warp.
I'm sorry I didn't get that from Kirkus' Post....❓👀
Apart from the possibility of Structure-Borne Feedback exciting the exact arm/cartridge Resonant Frequency.....the only other ways I know of, are by warped or off-centre records..❓👀
If you have other science-based evidence...or if Kirkus could support your claims...I'd be interested...😲❓
In any case...over hundreds of combinations of arm/cartridge interactions....I've never experienced what you claim....😃
Fairly good odds in my book...😍