I give up on HT

After auditioning several home theater preamp processors and not getting the two channel sound i expected. I took the advice of previous threads and purchased a line stage preamp, I got a conrad johnson model pf-r and life is great. This website has loads of good info if you dare to wade in. Now all i have to do is figure out how to hook up my home theater receiver into the loop.

I gave up on HT a long time ago when my Lexicon CP1 became obsolete overnight. This unit was $1600 new and the price dropped faster than Bill Clinton's pants at a New Years eve party. Someone has been trying to offload a CP1 for several months and the price is down to $85.00! (This is a steal for a wonderful piece of gear). Accurate gear, especially speakers, have no place in HT. Get a pair of big, fat speakers with overblown bass like Polk 10s or Cerwin Vegas and put this system in another room. That TV between your speakers is ruining your image and especially depth.
So true! Even for an apartment dweller like me, I moved the tv to the long wall of the living room, got a pair of Mission 733i for the fronts and a cheap subwoofer. Use phantom mode which is very natural sounding with the little Missions, enjoy movies just as much.Best of all what the move did for my main system in terms of imaging.
I don't have any choice but to combine HT and stereo. Elgordo has made the key point in why this doesn't work well....lack of imaging and lack of soundstage depth due to the TV (I have a 50" RPTV) between the speakers. I've pulled the front L&R speakers out 2 feet in front of the TV and, while this helps, it doesn't solve the problem. Was listening to Dave Brubeck the other day. The piano was clearly coming from behind and outside the right speaker and drums behind the left. That was good. Then the alto sax came in, dead center (where it belonged) but it sounded like the sax player was sitting in my lap. If you want optimal sound, you need to seperate HT form stereo.