bat vk60 stereo vs monoblocks...

Who has heard the difference between a Stereo vk-60 and the monoblock version? I don't really need anything to get louder, bet better I am after. Any experiences? Also, anyone tried the SE upgrade to a vk60 yet?
I upgraded from the vk60 stereo to vk60 monoblocks earlier this year.What I noticed was more & tighter bass.Also more (is the only way I can describe it)of what the stereo amp provides, musical, soundstage, ect. The SE upgrade is about $2500 p/amp, so I don't see that happening soon.I think I'd get a better band for the buck upgrading my pre-amp.
I recently purchased the VK150se monoblocks. I did a lot of checking around and there are quite a few comments from BAT VK60 users who have upgraded their stereo versions to monoblocks on the website. Go to amplifiers section and click on B for BAT. Good luck. I repalced my Pass Aleph 2s with the VK150se and they blow them away.
Only recommended if your speaker needs that kind of power. However, the soundstage is little wider and more 'steady' with the monoblock.
VK 60 Monos (a/k/a VK 120) provide complete separation of stereo signal which provides for a awesome pahantom image in the center. Also, the SE upgrade, although expensiver does make a difference.