Rowland Amps.....which one for me

Assocaited equipment: Thiel 22's Jeff Rowland Coherence One Parasond 2200 CAL Audio Delta/Alpha I am just about ready to upgrade my amplifier. The Parasond is rated at 400 WPC at 4 Ohms and feel that my Thiels are finally sounding like they should. My previous amp was a Hafler rated at half the power. I have made the decision to balance things out by choosing a Jeff Rowland Amp. Because of the vintage and budget of my system, classic gear is what makes since for me. I'm looking at the model 3 mono blocks (200wpc), model 5 (300wpc) and maybe the model 7 mono blocks (700wpc). By listening room is 20x14 and i listen to all types of music. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Denis
the model 5 and 7's have much the same sound quality ( the monos, of course, have bigger balls) . moreover, a 5 is virtually the same size as 1 model 7. if you have the room and a sufficient number of beefy friends to help position them, i'd go for the 7's. i would also look for a pair of model 1's to run bridged. they are more current than either the 5 or 7 and, IMO, are more musical. FWIW, i've owned several jrdg amps and currently use an 8ti to power avalon eidolons (also nominal 4 ohm speakers-the 8 is rated at 400 w/side into this load).
Also consider the Model 1 in a mono configuration (200wpc). A word of caution, try to audition the amp first. Matching Rowland preamps with their power amps from this vintage will have a very distinctive sound (a golden glow, more mellow than detailed). Be sure you want to go in that direction. I love JRD equipment and strongly recommend it for any music lover. Good luck!
Second the opinion on the Model one. One of the best amps Rowland made,in a great package and compliments the 2 2's tonally. You can try one in stereo and if you like it you can get another. They run about $1200-1400 each.