Opinions on Meitner MTR-101 Amps???

Anybody out there still using these former Stereophile recommended Ed Meitner designed mono-blocks?? Anyone have them revised? Is it worth it? Appreciate any comments. Thanks.
You are a lucky man and made a damn, damn good choice. These are such good amps, will drive anything and look wonderful, too. Enjoy. PS I assume, since they are monos you will place them as close as possible to your speakers. If not, although Meitner said you can stack them one on top of the other with no problem, get some small blocks as spacers and stain them to match the finish of the amps. These puppies run bit hot, at least at the heat sinks. Doesn't hurt to take extra precautions. Again, I was so impressed with these amps --- and I am a tube guy. You're set for a very long time.
Jim - in fact, I'm a lucky audio gal, but appreciate the endorsement nonetheless. Since I have 10' tri-wire speaker run and short ICs, amps will have to be near equipment rack for now. Good suggestion about the blocks. I intend to place amps close to speakers eventually, when I have settled on speaker cable and can afford long run ICs. (Currently very pleased with Coincident CST1 speaker wire, like it better than Black Orpheus.) Good to hear from a tube lover - especially one who found so much to like and so little to fault in this ss amp. Alons Vs are voiced with tubes and really sing with them. Santa, however, informed me he wasn't bringing any Atma-Sphere MA2s, VTL Ichibans or ARC VT200s, not even a BAT VK500 down the chimney this Christmas. So I have been my own St. Nick. I'm looking forward to fine music with BASS this holiday season. Now - I wonder how Santa would feel about a Sony 777 SACD player...
Oooooops... Rackon, sorry to be so presumptuous. Being an audio guy, I guess making dumb mistakes goes with the territory. Actually, it's not that I found so little to fault with the Meitners, I found nothing to fault. Love these amps. They just seem to have that certain "rightness" that gets straight to the music. Fine music, indeed. You are quite the St. Nick, Rackon. In fact you are inspiring me to maybe drop some more audio goodies into my own stocking (Christmas stocking, that is). I envy you listening to music with BASS, which is something I don't get enough of with my electostatics (get lots of other good stuff, though). Will two REL's fit down the chimney? Happy Holidays and please let me know how it goes with your new toys.
My friend has a pair of 101's and he'd like to know how he can get them revised. Can anyone give information on this?
John Wright at EMM Labs (Ed Meitner's company) was the person whom I contacted, but I recall receiving a piece of mail or e-mail from him recently saying he had left there. I'll see if I still have it in my office on Monday. Possible Ed Meitner might be able to help, try emmlabs.com with a search, as he's venturing back into consumer audio with his DSD transport/DAC combination.