Best Pre-Pro especially considering 2 channel

analog sound: I'm thinking of the Krell Showcase, B&K Ref50, Sunfire Theater Grand III and if they are worth it the Krell HTS 7.1 or new Lexicon MC-8. I feel any of them would be excellent with HT but my concern is with high end sounding 2 channel analog. Is there a big difference between the Krell HTS and showcases analog section? Any comments and suggestions are appreciated and welcome.
Thank you.
Integra Research RDC-7, MSRP $4500, all the major magazines raved about it. I am very happy with the way mine sounds with 2 channel music, both as a processor and a Pre-Amp w/2 ch. bypass.
After listening to the Sunfire, B&K Reference 50, Adcom and Bryston 1.7, It was the Bryston by a mile. If you want good sound and don't need the TV switching it is the perfect unit-Simple and straight forward and quiet. Beware the B&K Ref 50. The units themselves have a very pronounced hum-I saw three samples. B&K couldn"t remedy hum. But worse, the sound from the speakers has a audible whine from the DSP's. At quiet passages it will drive you wild.
I was under the impression that the Bryston does not have the ability to configure 2 channel sound without the subwoofer. In other words, if you prefer to listen to 2 channel with large speakers without the "assistance" of the subwoofer in the system, this is not an option. It is possible that this has changed in the Bryston but I would verify this if this is an issue.

The local dealer in my area sent the Bryston back because it did not have this feature.