Pre-amp for a NYAL Moscode 300?

Hi all: I am about to receive A NYAL Moscode 300 amp, which is good. I don't have ANY technical info whatsoever for this old guy, though, and can't find any data on the web. This is not good, since I can't pre-amp shop without knowing the impedances, etc. Anyone know this amp at all, or can suggest a suitable pre-amp? I think it's likely going to want a solid state pre, and I'd like an integrated mm phono stage (it's a secondary system, so I don't need real high end off the phono here) but it's not critical. I am also considering something like a used CJ PV10A or PV10AL with outboard phono pre as an option, but again, without the data I'm kinda stuck. Thanks for any help you can provide! chas
I had a Moscode 300 many years ago until one of the resistors burned out. The company went out of business at the same time. I was able to get the unit repaired by its designer, but I do not know if he is still doing such work. I used a Berning TF-10 preamp with it which worked fairly well. I would not want to use a solid state preamp with it, unless it was a very smooth and rich sounding solid state preamp. Despite NYAL's hype about its "tube-like" midrange, I subsequently found the NYAL to sound more like a solid state amp than an all tube amp.
Steve Sank in Albuquerque NM has bought the rights and Moscode name from widow of the guy that started Moscode. He repairs them, he modifies them (upgrades the caps, wiring, connectors, etc.), and he is very opinionated about what works with them. If you want to contact Steve, send me an email and I'll try to get his phone # for you.
Costrosk; I still have my Moscode 600. After all these years,it has never had /needed a repair. I did have the rcas and binding posts changed out."Great" sonic benifit, Don't know why it came with such "budget"ones;but think about it down the road.Also,try leaving it on for a couple of days in a row and "see" how much better it sounds the second day.(don't know why,but you could be surprised) I would also check out the tubes. I assume the 300 and 600 have similar tube compliments.The 6dj8's on the ends,have more effect than any of the other tubes. Maybe get some good low noise 6922's. Moscode was a pretty good price/ performance for the $$ 15 years ago.I first had a CJ pv6,then an AR sp9, then Encore 2010-2;each in the listed order a great step above the other. Enjoy.
Steve Sank is one of the best modifiers of Electronics and speakers. His store is in New Mexico. Here's his website. And here's a link about his mods to the Moscode hybrid Amps.