Heaviest Amps ever made.

Hi-End not only sounds great, but nice aesthetics and tank like constructions are a must too. One of the heaviest amps I've owned was the Classe' Omega 250 lbs. How many other monsters are out there.
The Tube Research Labs 4 chassis 800 Watt amps weigh in somewhere around 1200 pounds total. Winston Ma of First Impression Music purchased the first set back in 1991, and has retained them as his reference amps since. Photos are available at www.savantaudio.com for those interested, and no, I'm not involved with Savant Audio. I've heard Winston's system many times, always impressed how such a large tube amp still retains the delicacy of a lower powered amp.
While not the heaviest, the Levinson 33 monoblocks, which I own, are 350 lbs. each (450 lbs. each in crates) Moving these babies around will give you a workout!