looking for online or by mail retailers,most stores in N.J.
don't have a large selection.THANK YOU in advance for any
web sites and or phone number's. JOSE M.
amazon.com; bigstar.com; twec.com; Ebay.com; half.com; blockbuster.com; bn.com
I find that their are several options you may want to consider, but a good start is to go to DVDpricesearch.com. That will head you into the right direction. You should also try a local Blockbuster for used DVD or Half.com. Deepdiscount will meet or beat any online price including shipping.

These option should give you what your looking for.

Enjoy the movies and Music.
Check out half.com. Netflix closes out inventory there and prices are very reasonable.
Also check out Kencranes.com; the old laserdisc dealer. They have always been cheap and give free shipping a lot.
I use to do a lot of business with *800.com* Remember the days when everyone was selling for 40% off with free shipping? Now I buy most of the new releases at Costco. Above and beyond that just keep your eyes open and look for deals. As a rule $10.00 to $13.00 is considered a great price on a new DVD, even better if the sound track is recorded in DD5.1. Good luck