How come no one talks about the BEST REMOTES??

hi all -
I need a great remote for my home theater. Considering Crestron Smartouch (STS) system, and can get one used for $1200, but after about $1000 for programming and another $3-400 for current and video sensors and another $100 for IR probes, I'm in at almost $3000. I know Crestron is the best, but is it worth all that $$??? Can anyone knowledgeable with remotes offer any words of advice?? Thanks everyone!


-here are a couple of threads where remotes were discussed. And personally, 3K for a remote?!?!?! Unless your system is worth 10X that, it seems a bit overkill - of course, I am a woman and we just don't get that remote thang like guys do ;~)
Anyway, hope these threads help a little.
Wow, I didn't know remotes could get so expensive. I got into home theater over three years ago, but have spent the last two years completely enamored with 2 channel.

However, even with my new found love of music reproduction over movies and the theater-like playback, I must say I still covet the RC2000MKII remote that came with my Marantz AV500. I've been out of HT for a few years and haven't kept up on the latest pre/pros and remotes, but for $250 [free with the AV550] the RC2000MKII is pretty damn good. I love the smart functions and the macros, but boy is this thing a battery hog.

For $3000 what will the Smartouch do? I own pieces from Simaudio, Electrocompaniet and ProAc and none of them cost that much.
Hi Angela,Baz, I too wish there was a bit more activity here regarding home theater remotes. Remote Central is a great resource, but can be quite daunting when you want the short story. I am considering various remotes, but will wait a while due to slowdown in business here.
So far many people lean toward the Pronto.

OUCH!!!!!! $3,000.00???? For a remote?!?!?!?!?!?!!! That's an awful lot of money for a remote control system, isn't it?? But $3,000.00 for a remote control system?? That's about how much my entire home theater system costs. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of system do you have that justifies you to spend $3K on a remote control system??? If I had a home theater system that costs in excess of about $40K to $50K (or even more), then I can justify an expenditure like that. But for anything less than that, $3K for a remote control system seems like overkill to me. Why don't you look at either a Sony RM-AV210 ($180.00), an "All For One" URC-9900 ($350.00), or a Philips Pronto ($400.00) intstead?? You may find that they'll do most of what you want for substantially less. I am looking into a Philips Pronto myself. But I am going to try to find one in which I don't have to pay $400.00 for it if I can help it. If I can find one for around $200.00 or $250 or so, I'll be pretty happy or satisfied.

Good Luck.....

thx all - yes, good remotes do cost that much. i saw one going for $13000! crestron has great home automation stuff like it can control lighting and all that. the benefit of better remotes is that it can do discrete operations with the push of a button. a problem with pronto and such is that they dont current sense, meaning sometimes they will just toggle TV or sources on/off getting things out of sync which can be a pain in the butt. i like crestron, but am wondering if the extra $$ are worthy of what I'm getting in return... remotecentral doesn't really discuss these high end things in detail i think, imho... baz