Which HT Receiver would you buy?

1.) Outlaw Audio 1050
2.) Yamaha RX-V800
3.) NAD T751 or T761
Want DD, DTS, Pre Ins/Outs. All of the above can be bought for around $550 but I am willing to spend up to say $1K if the expenditure is justified. Any other suggestions?

Those are some good choices that you have listed above. Check out all of those choices, but for about $550.00 to $1,000.00, I would also check out the Harman/Kardon AVR-510 (I believe now, they are going to discontinue the AVR-510, because they are coming out with an AVR-520). This receiver may be conservative in the power department (in fact, all Harmans are that way), but you will more than make up for that shortcoming with a high current amplifier design, excellent sound quality and a decent feature set. Personally, I have the AVR-210, and had it for about the last six months, and I couldn't be any happier. It has more than enough power for my needs, has a nice set of inputs and outputs (sans component inputs and outputs), and it is well built and it is reasonably priced to boot. It even has outputs for all channels which allows me to add an amplifier if I should get into upgrading later on. Now, whether or not I would use it in a "music only" system is another matter entirely. At this point, I don't need to. I already have an excellent preamplifier (the Adcom GFP-750), so the Harman's outputs is a moot issue at this point. But now, if I want something for home theater or something like that, I couldn't be any happier.

Let us know what you eventually end up with.

Thanks to all so far for the quick responses.

Just to help out, I have already delved into the world of HiFi Seperates and crazy outrageoug money on audio and HT equipment. I have become somewhat disenchanted by the limited differences in audio gear - especially for the price. Also being financially a little more savvy here is my plan.

Get a decent HT receiver, keep my nice speakers, and someday upgrade my Sony DVD-S500 DVD Player to utilize DTS. I own Soliloquy 5.0s mains, KEF Reference Center, B&W 600i Surrounds and a HSU VTF-2 Subwoofer. I do care about two channel CD sound, but spend more of my time watching movies on my 35" Toshiba CF35-F70. Currently my Sony DVD does all of the processing, and I have a Yamaha DSP-E492 3 channel DD ready processor and an old NAD Receiver used as a 2 channel amp stacked on it. Looking to neaten up the mess.

I am leaning toward the Yamaha because of my past experience - real power, nice processing features, nice build. But, I am open to options. The NAD seemed relatively a better deal but looking for real life receiver experience.
My Dad (who was also trying to simplify his system) bought a discontinued NAD (the T771, I think) which had everything but DTS (which was why it was discontinued) and has really loved it. You can often find incredible deals on these units and in my experience the audio quality is much higher than mass market Yamaha. I have owned lots of NAD and have had no problems in over 20 years so at least for me the reliability has been astounding.
I'll just throw in my 2 cents here and say that after owning two HT receivers (an Adcom set of power amps and Pro Logic processor, replaced by a high end Pioneer Elite receiver), I bought the Acurus 125x5 (available now for $800 or less, on Audigon) and the Acurus Act 3 processor (available for under $1000 on this site) and could not believe the improvement in sound quality, dynamics, bass, life, etc. etc. I only use these units for HT and TV watching, but recently I've also started listening to one of my tuners through the system too because the sound is that good--good enough for 2 channel audio! I paid more for my Acurus pieces several months ago, and have watched as the prices have come down, and just want to alert you that for only a little over your budget (well, maybe $500 over) you may be able to find them and never look back. They are so far superior to the receivers I had and have listened to at a local dealer's (Yamaha and Sony and Marantz), it isn't funny.
If this setup is for HT only, I'd buy the Outlaw receiver and the separate 5 channel amp. My brother's friend has this setup. He liked the external amp because it is very muscular. It reminds me of the Hafler or Ati 5 channel amps. You could probably get both items on the used market very reasonably priced. That's what I would buy, for inexpensive, powerful. (I don't think SQ matters as much in HT as it does for music, YMMV)

power, SQ, inexpensive... pick any two.