Sony DVD 7700 or Sony 9000es?

I want to upgrade my DVD player, Which of the two DVD players is the better one?

The Sony DVD 7700 or the Sony 9000es? and why?

Thanks for you're help.

Having had a 7000, 7700, and now a 9000. I can say without a doubt, the 9000 is much better in everyway. I am not sure how anyone can call the 9000es a lightweight (physically or metaphorically), as it is a very good performing, well-built unit.

To be quite honest, I think the 7000 sounded better than the 7700. I went to the 7700 for the DTS, and I still feel I gave up the better unit on that deal. I have had other manufactures' DVD players in my system, and the 9000 held its own with any of them up to about $4500. BTW, it was its audio, not its video that was bested. Best Regards, Aaron
Just a quick question for the group -- does the 9000ES offer multi-channel SACD audio and has anyone tried it? It looks like it does from what I can tell on the Sony website. These companies ought to make some of the main features of their products more clear.
Unless there has been an upgrade I don't believe the 9000ES offers multichannel SACD. I also must reply to the statement above, the 9000ES is no lightweight. Every review I've read the reviewer loved it. I believe it was even listed for the Editor's choice award in SGTHT. I say get the 9000ES if you want one of the best DVD players made.

My latest "Ultimate Electronics" flyer says the 9000ES is Stereo SACD. There is a new model DVD/SACD player, the DVPNS900V, it retails for $999.95 & includes multi channel SACD.
I beleive you downgraded when you went from a 7000 to a 7700 as the picture and cd sound quality were better on the 7000.Having said that...the 9000 es is better sounding on cd,sacd sounds better than 2k cd only units,and if you can take advantage of the progressive scan on the 9000,you will have a much better picture.The 9000 has 2 channel sacd only but the new dvp-ns900v has multi channel sacd and progressive scan as noted by danielk141.