Favorite HT demo scene from a movie?

What do others think the best scene from a movie is to demo an HT setup? I don't yet have a DVD player but my current VHS demos are both from Die Hard 3. The first is the store explosion in the first scene for sound staging and detail and the second is the dump trucks driving up to the other explosion site for deep bass. leo.
I have to second the Star Wars Phantom Menace pod racing scene. I've never heard such good sound come out of my 5.1 system. It seems to my ears they engineered that DVD so you can turn it up loud.
Anything from Goodfellas, A Clockwork Orange, Vacation or the love scene from Deliverance.
gotta add my votes for the shoot 'em up scene in the matrix, pod race, and the diva in the 5th element.
SdCambell was right on the money with Super Speedway(IMAX) Amazon has it for $20.00. I just recieved my copy last night. Cranked it up in DTS. The newer MACH II version (Just released) has the 16:9 transfer. Except no substitutes :~)