Need advice on Bryston B-60

Found a B-60 used for $800, is this a good deal?
I am new to the high end audio and need some input.
I hear that it is a little weak at high volume, is there
truth to that?
Is there any other integrateds to look at in that price range?
My current system is Cambridge Audio A3I int.,Cambridge Audio CD4SE cdp,MSB Link Dac III, Klipsch Reference 3 mains, M&K V125 sub, Cardas Crosslink speaker wire and Cardas Quadlink 5C interconnects.
Thanks for your input.
I used the B60 with Meadowlark Kestrel Hotrods for awhile. It was a great combination, never lacking for power, even at high volumes. I think they are 90db. If it matches with your speakers, it would be tough to beat at $800. It is a classy piece of equiptment with a great warranty.
While there are a few great preamps that compete with the B-60 you would be hard pressed to find one at $800...
you can find Anthem's integrated 2 for between $600 and $1000 depending on condition (demo or used). This integrated puts out more wattage than the Bryston and is a hybrid (tube preamp ss amp) design.
What amp do you plan to get to replace the Cambridge integrated? The A3i does not have Pre-in/Main-out connections. Another Bryston?