tube preamp with satisfying low end?


Just spend the afternoon auditioning a couple of pre-amps. The VTL TL2.5 and the Adcom GFP-750 on Magnepan 1.6 speakers and a Bryston SB-3T Amp. Overall impression was that I love the VTL warmth and bloom on the mid range and high end. However, felt that it was definately lacking in the lower midrange and bass. Adcom had much better overall dynamic range and clarity, however it had that digital edge to it that can be a bit fatiquing. Am looking for a preamp that has the "glow" of the VTL in the mid and upper ranges but has better low end. Any suggestions? My budget is no more than $2000 - new or used.
melos ma-333/music director - $1500-$2k, depending on exact model/features. outstanding bass response, wery detailed & accurate, but definitely that warm toob glow & bloom. also nice is the cary slp98 - i wooda been wery content w/it if i hadn't heard the melos... ;~)
Maybe you want to try the Anthem PRE 2LSE. I am going to audition it myself. It may have what you are looking for.
Hello Sibelius and Bob, I can highly recommend the BAT 5i. I truly believe it will give you what you are looking for. Then down the road when you have the extra cash you can have BAT upgrade it to the "SE" status. The people at BAT are wonderful also. All the best, Tom
I bought the melos after hearing Doug's glowing reviews of this product. It has all those qualities your looking for. I paired it with a good solid state amp and it sounds wonderful. Doug, i received my Newform's last night, and yes they live up to all the hype ! The sound is amazing. Brought my system to a whole new level. But those damn things are big! Must have a lot of room to set up. Also check the classifieds, i just saw a pair last week. It will save you the 2 mo, wait.
I too am tube-bitten and have a CAT pre and Cary monoblocks. Total happiness, however... I listen to all types of music, including bizarre digitally generated electronic stuff with extreme low frequency information. How to get those low rumbles? The answer is a good subwoofer. Let the tubes do what they do best, use solid state for the ultra low stuff.