tube preamp with satisfying low end?


Just spend the afternoon auditioning a couple of pre-amps. The VTL TL2.5 and the Adcom GFP-750 on Magnepan 1.6 speakers and a Bryston SB-3T Amp. Overall impression was that I love the VTL warmth and bloom on the mid range and high end. However, felt that it was definately lacking in the lower midrange and bass. Adcom had much better overall dynamic range and clarity, however it had that digital edge to it that can be a bit fatiquing. Am looking for a preamp that has the "glow" of the VTL in the mid and upper ranges but has better low end. Any suggestions? My budget is no more than $2000 - new or used.
I too am tube-bitten and have a CAT pre and Cary monoblocks. Total happiness, however... I listen to all types of music, including bizarre digitally generated electronic stuff with extreme low frequency information. How to get those low rumbles? The answer is a good subwoofer. Let the tubes do what they do best, use solid state for the ultra low stuff.
hi streetman,

glad the melos preamp worked out for ya - now, ya yust need to buy my electrocompaniet aw100 amp, & yule be in fat-city... ;~)

tanks for the report on the newforms - i'm now re-doubling my efforts to count pennies to save for these...

regards, doug

another possibility is the audible illusions preamps. i am running an L-1 linestage with a DNA1 and am getting very full and tight bass. check them out
The Atma-Sphere MP-3 in linestage form can be purchased for around $2,000 used. Outstanding performance all around.
Hi Sibelius, please give Transcendent Sound's Grounded
Grid a try. $499 in kit form or $799 assembled. I am really
happy about it with my McIntosh MC-275 plus Quad 989!