Movie Software make HT a Waste of Resources?

This may be just me but how often after you seen the "cabon copy" explosion riddled movie trailer and said to yourself "God is this stuff stupid or what" and even worse.

As a music listener how long would we put up with consistently poor quality software that offends our intellect?

Seems to me that the movie industry thinks we are just stupid apes willing to buy anything the Hollywood Marketing guys/gals can regurgitate at us. Seriously, think about this next time you see a totally pointless plot but with your rerun "Take" 865.95 of bombs and flashes.

On the other hand where would Casablanca or Citizen Kane be without that great 7.1 sound :)?

I saw a bumper sticker a few years ago that read: "The more you know the less you need" . In the case of movies, maybe another sticker could read "The more you think the less you are willing spend in front of the screen watching carbon copies". Once in a while it is fun to watch a good boom boom if there is something to fill the space between the boom boomies such as Saving Private Ryan.

I am probably missing something here but why is home theatre worth ten's of thousands of dollars of our discretionary income?

Maybe that old song "In the year 2525 we will not need our minds, will not need our eyes...." was overly kind with respect to the date.

This thread is on target on the most important aspect of our audio choices: Who controls the game and how they control the game. It is, in good measure, how "we" in the rush to keep up with latest and "greatest" movie hardware are actually destroying our range and depth of real options.

Golliath sized multinational manufacturers building in some of the most planned obsolete technology in the history of humanity (home theatre)and the impacts it has on the rest of our audio options, the natural resources it wastes due in part by the extremely short term market value of the products and the related perception it fosters in young people that electronics are throw away items (like kleenex), and the people it adversely affects. Companies are dying off, like flys on a Frosty Fall night, on a regular basis as they try their 2-3 year stint into Home Theatre before collapsing primarily because they lack the resources to follow the dance of "Ring around Format Tree Game" (this process is not too much different than the apparent crushing of the Soviet Union by the Soviets burning up all their cash reserves trying to compete around Military Arms Tree).

A not to hard to imagine result: Essentially only multinational corporations will be around making electronics we are "allowed" to have in a few years (Clarion Car Radio people buying up McIntosh and diluting quality for the sake of a ton of me-too convenience laden non-sense audio, Harmon Kardon International playing hard ball with Mark Levinson), and destroying jobs and at the same time making for nearly worthless hardware 6 years after it is made), and zoombie like quality of not questioning the disportionate outlays of money necessary to follow this Ring Around The Format Tree game is central to a debate that we all should take to the Multinationals including Sony, Pioneer, and Hitachi etc. The remote control life seems to have gone from meaning us controlling our TV sets to the Corporations controlling us by testing how fast they can make equipment ready for the landfill and how fast we will be to buy into this wasteful cycle. Just so they can keep the profit cycle accelerating (how many have tried to get support from any of these big multinationals after their equipment is 8 or more years old as compared to companies of passion and integrity like Audio Research, BAT, etc.)

PS: Hope my color choices on fonts are less offensive and my arguments more surgical. :)
No,I'm sorry, but this thread is not on target! As a matter of fact there seems to be no "target" at all. It starts off discussing the lack of good movies for us to watch. From there it becomes a negative, rambling discourse on a multitude of subjects including, but not limited to,
1.Discretionary income and how we should spend our money.
2.The level of intelligence of Americans
3.How we should spend our time.
4.Charitable contributions
5.Mass marketing and hostile corporate takeovers.
6.Mike Tyson, Enron, 911, the Amish, ...and on and on...

I think it is important to talk about all of these issues, but this is an Audio-Video Forum. If you would like to discuss these issues, by all means feel free to start your own chat room on AOL and stay up all night if you would like.I love this website, and I log on to buy something, or to see if anybody else has used a particular type of amplifier, projector, interconnects, and yes, even recommendations of good movies or CD's.

As far as the political issues, and "this is what's wrong with America" stuff. It doesn't belong here. If you don't like the movies being made, don't buy them. If Harmon Kardon "takes over" Madrigal and starts making junk, then people will buy high-end stuff from other companies. If corporations continue to change formats, people will stop investing in equipment (i.e. Divix) until they feel comfortable that this format is here to stay. (DVD)